Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Oh hi!  So... I've been working on some stuff offline, and I'm finally getting around to updating my blog.  I present to you-- my lamp!  My second finished asset... ever.  It took me much longer than it should have... but it's done!  AND open for critique :)  I took this from concept all the way to completion.  It was a pretty epic experience!
Concept: Figuring out materials
Final Product!
My texture map

Final with shaders
Final with shaders

Final with shaders
Final with shaders
Final without shaders  
 Below are my progress shots... it's pretty fun seeing how things change and progress :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

TP #1

[T]exture [P]ainting...

Going back to basics and copying wow textures.  I've been trying to paint my darksiders model and ran into the issue of not being able to translate lines and shapes into forms.  After another crash course on HOW to use value to describe form... I began work on copying textures :) Here's the first one.  Will start another soon! :) [bleh, after posting I'm seeing some major contrast differences.  If you have opinions or tips or pointers or feedback please let me know! ^^]
Original Wow Texture
My Texture

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ballz #1

Hi friends :)  it's been a while.. again... but I have been at work!  Since the new year I've been doing art on a daily basis (I may have missed 3 days so far)  but that includes watching tutorials, browsing blogs, working on my modeling, painting and even drawing :)  It's been pretty awesome and I feel like I'm on hyper drive so hopefully good things will come out of it.  I can definitely say that I'm a lot more focused and centered.

Anyway, this post is about a new painting exercise one of my mentors told me about.  The goal is to practice my painting skills on translating materials on ballz :)  My first exercise was trying to paint mossy wood (first time I've tried doing moss) and with some pointers and critiques here is the final product :)  I will post a Darksiders WIP right after this :)

Thanks for reading :)

[EDIT:  apologizes... not sure where I put the updated files for my darksiders model... will update when I find them :( ]

Monday, December 5, 2011


I may have been premature in saying I was ready to start blocking colors... :(

I need to clean up my textures :T

Darksiders WIP (3)

OKAY!  Everything is checkerboard! yay!  (Well, I lie... the rocks on the opposite side of the anvil aren't mapped out yet).  I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the idea of using a couple textures for all the anvil rocks, and just moving around the UVs.. 0_o  I guess I will have to start painting out some basics and see how it works :)  But I think it's safe to say, I can start blocking in some color :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Darksiders WIP (3)

Oh man!  Two posts in one week!  I know!  Crazy.

Working on laying out the UVs.  I'm sure I'm missing some easier way to do this, and i'm almost positive no sane person would individually UV each rock.. even that base alone would take me a day... but it's practice.. and until I figure out something better... it's one by one I go :) [Edit:  I am also aware of the UV resolution differences... I'll even them all out once everything is UVd :) ]

Monday, November 28, 2011

Darksiders WIP (2)

Greetings strangers.  I fail again, and another month has flown by, but my model is close to being finished.  It might be time to start laying out some UVs just to block in some shapes to see how this thing will look :)  Super excited to struggle with the next stage of creation! :)  Feedback is much appreciated ^^